The Mule; not afraid of dirt, although it played hell with the open cambox...I've had my head so far inside my '28/'33 Velocette KSS/MkIV KTT hybrid, appropriately named 'The Mule', that I haven't had time to post all the photos from the magnificent Pebble Beach Week activities...patience! I thought I'd treat The Vintagent as a 'blog', for once, with a timely update on prepping an 80 year old, worn out motorcycle for a 4000 mile ride. The Mule in 2005, on the notorious Wards Ferry Road, just outside Yosemite Nat'l ParkThe Mule had sat since November 2009, when its gearbox literally split in half in front of 100 amused chopper riders, at the start of Max Schaaf's '69 Mile Ride'. She fired up easily on the bump (no kickstarter - this...