June 29, 2012


Contributor David LaMar Morrill recently brought my attention to the remarkable and nearly forgotten story of Afro-American Board Track Racers during the 'Teens, deep in the American South.  The prospect of turning up some new motorcycle history is deeply exciting, and I encouraged David to write up an article.  After researching this obscure tale, he delivers the story here:The 'Other' Harley and Indian WarTwo of Atlanta's 'Black Streaks' astride their Indian board track racers, in 1919Beginning in the mid-Teens, factory racing teams from both Indian and Harley-Davidson fought a hard battle for dominance on the board and dirt tracks around the country.  Great riders like Gene Walker, Shrimp Burns, Otto Walker, and many others...

June 21, 2012


Fun on the Bay of Biscay...Seventy old motorcycles and half a dozen classic sports cars crowded the parking lot for 'Les Cent Marches', so named for the number of steps down the cliff to the beach.  In other words, a little open air café bar next to a big parking lot, with a killer view.  Way back in 2009, a dozen of us, Southsiders and sun-seekers (like me), gathered here to start the first of the Southsiders gatherings.  Four years later, 8 times that number crowd the neighborhood, surely the measure of success for a Good Idea.Lalo, Conrad, Pablo, DiavelWe'd come from literally all over the globe; Bike Exif's Chris Hunter from New Zealand, myself and Johnathan 'Death Traps MC' from the US, a whole phalanx from the UK, Spain,...

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